County Updates
Recent updates from county First 5 commissions around the state. Click here to find and visit the 58 county commissions’ websites.

First 5 San Bernardino Executive Director Talks UTK in Radio Interview
First 5 San Bernardino Executive Director Karen Scott was interviewed recently about universal transitional kindergarten. She shared her insight with KVCR, an Inland Empire public

First 5 Executive Directors, Commissioners Join Legislators to Talk Child Tax Credit
Recently, First 5 Executive Directors and Commissioners from Fresno, Ventura and Solano Counties have joined legislators in press conferences discussing the importance of the Child

First 5 Humboldt Works with Community Partners to Support Local Child Care Providers
A recent article in the Humboldt Times-Standard highlighted the difficulties faced by child care providers in Humboldt County as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic,

First 5 Kern & Univision 39 Discuss Local Help Me Grow
First 5 Kern County recently partnered with Univision 39 for an outreach campaign to share the importance of developmental screenings with the families of Kern County. First 5 Kern Senior

First 5 Fresno Executive Director Pens Medi-Cal Op-Ed
First 5 Fresno County Executive Director Fabiola González was the author of a recent op-ed featured in The Fresno Bee and The Merced Sun-Star. The op-ed

New Videos Feature Child Care Provider Testimonials About COVID-19 Vaccine
First 5 Association of California and First 5 California have created new COVID-19 vaccine outreach resources to reach child care providers in counties across California who have