Press Releases
First 5: May Budget Revision Advances Holistic Approach to Improving the Health of Children and Families
ALAMEDA, CA (May 14, 2021) – Governor Newsom’s May revision to the state budget plan includes exciting proposals to meet the holistic, short- and long-term needs of young children and families, especially in the areas of comprehensive health and development and family
New Videos, Social Media Assets Feature Child Care Provider Testimonials About COVID-19 Vaccine
First 5 Association of California and First 5 California invite partners to use our new COVID-19 vaccine outreach resources to reach California child care providers who have not yet gotten vaccinated. The resources include testimonials, in both English and Spanish, from providers
Accountability, Not Justice, for George Floyd
We are relieved that police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of murdering George Floyd, and hope that the verdict brings some measure of solace to Mr. Floyd’s loved ones and to Black communities around the country. At the same
Racism has no place in the world we’re building for young children and families.
We condemn the recent surge of violence and racist acts against our Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, whose members are our parents, grandparents, children, child care providers, health care workers, home visitors, beloved neighbors, coworkers, and friends. We pledge
New Tools for Outreach on CA Earned Income Tax Credit, Young Child Tax Credit
First 5 Association of California invites partners to use our new resource page to help get the word out to parents, caregivers, providers and partners about the California Earned Income Tax Credit and Young Child Tax Credit. The California Earned Income Tax
First 5: Holistic, Equity-Focused Approach to Supporting Children and Families Evident in Governor’s 2021-22 Budget Proposal
ALAMEDA, CA (January 8, 2021) – Governor Newsom’s budget plan demonstrates a clear commitment to addressing the holistic and pressing needs of young children and families, by supporting them on multiple fronts during the pandemic, as well as building toward a
First 5 Association Congratulates New Appointees to First 5 California Commission
First 5 Association of California warmly congratulates the two newest members of the First 5 California Children and Families commission, who were appointed yesterday by the governor: Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, who will serve as chair, and Elsa Mendoza Jimenez.
First 5 Association Responds to Master Plan for Early Learning and Care
First 5 Association of California issued the following statement in response to the release on Tuesday of the California Health and Human Services Agency’s Master Plan for Early Learning and Care: Making California For All Kids. The following quotes can be attributed
First 5 Association Joins Partners in Warning Against Big Tobacco’s Efforts to Overturn Ban on Sale of Candy-Flavored Tobacco Products
First 5 Association is joining with public health partners and elected officials across the state to warn Californians against tobacco companies’ efforts to overturn SB 793 by referendum. SB 793 protects kids by ending the sale of candy-flavored tobacco products
First 5 Counties: 2020-21 State Budget Prioritizes Young Children & Families on Multiple Fronts
ALAMEDA, CA — The 58 First 5 county commissions greatly appreciate the collaborative effort undertaken by Governor Newsom and the legislature to pass and sign a budget that prioritizes young children and their families, and maintains our shared vision of an