First 5 Association Congratulates Colleagues, Partners Appointed to the Early Childhood Policy Council

First 5 Association of California warmly congratulates our friends and colleagues in the early childhood field whom the governor announced today would be part of the Early Childhood Policy Council.“The governor has assembled a crackerjack team of experts, practitioners and parents to move the state forward in the area of early learning and care,” said Moira Kenney. “Having had the privilege to work alongside many of these talented individuals for years, I am confident they will propel California forward as a national leader in the early childhood arena.”Governor Newsom appointed 20 members to the state’s new Early Childhood Policy Council and advisory committees–including leaders from the fields of child care, child trauma, and social services–who will advise him and the legislature on all aspects of the state’s early childhood system. Members include Kim Pattillo-Brownson, vice president for policy and advocacy at First 5 Los Angeles, and Mayra E Alvarez, board member of the First 5 California commission.The governor also announced the creation of an Early Childhood Action Research Team to develop a Master Plan for Early Learning and Care. The team, comprising social impact experts, will develop a road map for the state to provide universal preschool, and action steps to affordable, high-quality child care.“We’re excited to support the council and research team in our shared work to make California a better place for young children,” Kenney said. “And we look forward to next steps during this exciting and unprecedented time for little kids in our state.”