
Joaquin was 16 months old, and his aunt Nina had been fostering him since infancy. She was concerned for him because he cried a great deal, which also caused Nina’s five-year-old daughter distress. A WIC employee suggested Nina have Joaquin screened for developmental delays, and referred her to a First 5 Sacramento-funded program which provides developmental screenings and referrals for services as part of the Help Me Grow network.
An advocate screened Joaquin, which led to a formal evaluation at the regional center. Joaquin now receives weekly services to improve his gross motor skills and communication, and will soon receive Early Head Start services. The regional center taught Nina skills to help Joaquin communicate, which has led to a decrease in his crying. Nina also learned skills to help her daughter understand special needs. Nina has begun the process of adopting Joaquin, and is attending a weekly class that supports families who foster or adopt kin.