Press Releases
First 5s Across California Rally to Champion Early Childhood Investments
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Melanie Flood, First 5 SACRAMENTO, CA (April 19, 2023) – Today the statewide network of First 5s will meet with legislators to champion early childhood legislation and investments for California’s youngest children. Assembly Majority Leader Eloise
First 5: Governor Newsom’s 2023–24 Budget Proposal Continues Support of California’s Youngest Children and Families
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Melanie Flood FRSA, First 5 Association of California, SACRAMENTO, CA (January 11, 2023) – Governor Newsom released his proposed budget plan Tuesday, which continues to demonstrate his commitment to provide for the needs of young
First 5 Association of California Welcomes Avo Makdessian as Executive Director
SACRAMENTO – First 5 Association of California (F5AC) is delighted to announce the appointment of Avo Makdessian as its new Executive Director, which will commence on August 29, 2022. Mr. Makdessian will lead the Association, its complementary Foundation, and the
The First 5 Network Statement on the 2022-23 State Budget
SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, the First 5 Network thanks Governor Newsom and the Legislature for adopting the 2022-23 state budget that provides critical investments in behavioral and mental health, children’s health, early literacy, and reproductive rights. The First 5 Network
First 5 Network Responds to May Budget Revision
The First 5 Network Responds to Governor Newsom’s May Budget Revision May Revision Provides an Opportunity to Advance a Whole-Child, Whole-Family Agenda ALAMEDA, CA (May 18, 2022) – The First 5 Network, comprised of First 5 California, the
First 5s To Champion Early Childhood Investments on Annual Advocacy Day
SACRAMENTO – The statewide network of First 5s will meet with legislators April 19 for the annual First 5 Advocacy Day, to lift up key early childhood legislation and budget proposals and promote its Whole Child, Whole Family policy agenda. Among key
First 5: Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, California’s First Surgeon General Is a True Champion for Children and Families in the State
SACRAMENTO, CA (February 4, 2022) – California’s first Surgeon General, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, whose departure was recently announced by Governor Gavin Newsom, continues to be a champion for children and families in the state. The First 5 Association, First
First 5: The Governor Unveiled the 2022-23 Budget Proposal which Serves as a Framework to Advance the Health and Well-Being of California’s Youngest Children
ALAMEDA, CA (January 12, 2022) – On Monday, Governor Newsom released his proposed 2022-23 budget plan, a framework that features important investments to advance the health and well-being of California’s youngest children. The First 5 Association of California, First 5
First 5: 2021-22 State Budget Prioritizes Equity, Supports Whole-Child, Whole-Family Wellbeing
ALAMEDA, CA (July 13, 2021) – First 5 congratulates and appreciates the Legislature and Governor Newsom for their hard work to create a 2021-22 state budget that supports the wellbeing of young children and their families, and focuses especially on
Uplifting Black heritage, traditions, and history on Juneteenth
From an early age, we teach children to express their feelings, to be themselves, and to honor their personal experience and culture. There is a power and pride in knowing our stories, and in having the story of our ancestors