Voters in some California communities will be called on to pay for more child care
EdSource: February 20, 2020 “‘We know there is a huge gap between the need and the actual slots available currently. It would really be helpful to close the gap,’ said Erika Kuempel, a spokeswoman for First 5 Alameda County, a county commission dedicated to helping families with children under 6 years old. The commission would […]
Our campaign is reducing black child deaths in Sacramento. Here’s how you can help
Sacramento Bee: February 12, 2020“About a year ago, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors received a report explaining the campaign’s success in reducing deaths in Sacramento County, where African American children have died at twice, and sometimes closer to three times the rate, of other kids. What we learned unequivocally confirmed that, years earlier, county […]
Early Quality Matters in Nevada County
Sierra Sun: February 11, 2020 “Quality Counts California is funded by First 5 California and the CA Dept of Education. By signing the Budget Act of 2019, Governor Newsom builds on the work of First 5 CA by providing a historic level of funding of $5.3 billion for early childhood initiatives that will improve access […]
First 5 Sacramento Partners with Public Health to Reduce Black Infant Mortality

First 5 Sacramento has partnered with Sacramento County Public Health to expand its efforts to reduce African-American infant deaths. A new mass media campaign, which launched February 17, aims to raise awareness about the role of racial bias and discrimination in African-American infant and maternal death disparities. In Sacramento County, and across the nation, Black […]
First 5 Contra Costa Partners with Parent Leaders to Renovate Local parks

First 5 Contra Costa partnered with parent advocacy groups in order to help Contra Costa County secure grant funding to renovate parks in underserved communities. Parent advocacy groups West County Regional Group and East County Regional Group, both sponsored by First 5 Contra Costa, played an instrumental role in helping Contra Costa County secure over […]